Resources linked and suggested in this portion of INA are intended to support teachers and schools as educators connect and collaborate around professional learning, vetted classroom resources and thoughtful assessment. 

 The Island Numeracy Network created this document (Fall 2021) to compile respected & recommended resources for teachers to access, explore and offer learners:  


Rich Resources:

Coast Metro Elementary Math Project- K-7 year plans and resrouces

Mathematical Learning Trajectories – Developmental stages for learning math

Graeme Fletchy Mathematic Progressions – Videos progressions for foundational mathematical skill development

Progressing through concepts – SD68-NLSP highlighting progressions using tools and manipulatives


BCNN Assessment Considerations

SD38 K-2 Numeracy Assessment Tool 

SD38 K-7 Assessment Questions (2021) 

SD33 SNAP Assessment – Number Sense and Operations Assessment Grades K-7

WDTK – What do they know? Formative/Summative assessment by S. Ball and C. Fullerton 

                Also can be accessed at Mind-full Math as a free download K-3  

WDTK Student Summary Kindergarten 

WDTK Student Summary Rubric Grade 1 

What really counts?   Sandra  Ball